The new frontier of

jumping horseshoes


I jumpergrip sono specificatamente progettati per i percorsi di salto ostacoli per fornire un appoggio sicuro e stabile al cavallo durante le battute e una grande capacità dell'assorbimento degli shock da urto nell'atterraggio. La binda larga offre una grande capacità di galleggiamento rendendo naturale la falcata del cavallo sui campi di gara.

Jumpergrips are specifically designed for show jumping to provide a solid and stable support for the horse while jumping, as these horseshoes have a great capacity for shock absorption at landing. The wide-web offers great buoyancy making the horse's stride feel natural on the racetrack.

The Jumpergrip® Series


The Jumpergrip® JBQ has the same structural and operational characteristics as the JF. However, it has a different shape, the so-called "bar shoe" with SQUARED TOE, which supports the frog and protects it from the roughness of the ground and helps the break-over. The plastic layer, in addition to reducing trauma and allowing the equine athlete to adapt the posture of the foot to its needs as for the JF, improves traction thanks to the greater "floating" and "bounce" of the foot on loose surfaces.

59,78 €


The Jumpergrip® JF has a high performance aluminum alloy base in contact with the foot, which maintains the foot's natural elaterium and heat dissipation, preventing the foot from getting warmer. A highly wear-resistant plastic layer is applied to this metal base which has a high capacity for dissipating the energy developed while hitting the ground. The plastic layer reduces the traumas that develop during the action of the athletic horse and allows the equine athlete to adapt constantly the posture of the foot to its needs during the shoeing period.

59,78 €


The Jumpergrip® JQ has the same structural and operational characteristics as the JF. However, it has a different shape, the so-called "squared toe", which facilitates and anticipates the step-over when the problems present in the horse require it. The plastic layer, in addition to reducing trauma and allowing the equine athlete to adapt the posture of the foot to his needs as for the JF, improves the dynamics of the take-off thanks to the elastic "rebound" and the reduced weight.

59,78 €


The Jumpergrip® JB has the same structural and operational characteristics as the JF. However, it has a different shape, the so-called "bar shoe", which supports the frog and protects it from the roughness of the ground when the problems present in the horse require it. The plastic layer, in addition to reducing trauma and allowing the equine athlete to adapt the posture of the foot to its needs as for the JF, improves traction thanks to the greater "floating" and "bounce" of the foot on loose surfaces.

59,78 €


The Jumpergrip® JBQ has the same structural and operational characteristics as the JF. However, it has a different shape, the so-called "bar shoe" with SQUARED TOE, which supports the frog and protects it from the roughness of the ground and helps the break-over. The plastic layer, in addition to reducing trauma and allowing the equine athlete to adapt the posture of the foot to its needs as for the JF, improves traction thanks to the greater "floating" and "bounce" of the foot on loose surfaces.

59,78 €


The Jumpergrip® JF has a high performance aluminum alloy base in contact with the foot, which maintains the foot's natural elaterium and heat dissipation, preventing the foot from getting warmer. A highly wear-resistant plastic layer is applied to this metal base which has a high capacity for dissipating the energy developed while hitting the ground. The plastic layer reduces the traumas that develop during the action of the athletic horse and allows the equine athlete to adapt constantly the posture of the foot to its needs during the shoeing period.

59,78 €


The Jumpergrip® JQ has the same structural and operational characteristics as the JF. However, it has a different shape, the so-called "squared toe", which facilitates and anticipates the step-over when the problems present in the horse require it. The plastic layer, in addition to reducing trauma and allowing the equine athlete to adapt the posture of the foot to his needs as for the JF, improves the dynamics of the take-off thanks to the elastic "rebound" and the reduced weight.

59,78 €
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